Тело дженнифер (фильм)

Her Death and LegacyEdit

Jennifer dead

After Jennifer was stabbed in the heart by her best friend, Jennifer’s mom came in to check on Jennifer but found Needy on top of her daughter with the knife still impaled in her heart and then called the police. She was sent to an asylum for the criminally insane and while she was there she found out that if you’re bitten by a demon and you live, you get the same powers. She later hovered to the cell window and broke out of the asylum. As she was walking, she found the knife that the band used to sacrifice Jennifer on the side of the road. She tracked down the band, Low Shoulder, who was responsible for Jennifer’s demonic possession and the deaths it’s caused. She avenged Jennifer and her victims by killing them with the same weapon they had used to sacrifice Jennifer.


Фильм получил смешанные отзывы кинокритиков. На сайте Rotten Tomatoes фильм имеет рейтинг 44 % на основе 198 рецензий со средним баллом 5,2 из 10. На сайте Metacritic фильм имеет оценку 47 из 100 на основе 29 рецензий критиков, что соответствует статусу «смешанные или средние отзывы». На сайте CinemaScore зрители дали фильму оценку С, по шкале от A+ до F.

Кинокритику Роджеру Эберту понравился фильм, он назвал его «Сумерки для мальчиков» и сказал, что «как фильм о чирлидере-людоеде, он лучше, чем должен быть». Эберт сказала, что внутри Коди есть «душа художника, и ее сценарий привносит в этот материал определенную грань, своего рода радость, которая бескомпромиссна. Это не триллер ужасов на конвейере для подростков». Кроме того, он похвалил игру Фокс. Он дал фильму три из четырех звезд.


  • When Nikolai is about to stab Jennifer, there is a distant shot where he says, «We have to make a really good impression on him,» Jennifer isn’t crying and her mouth is closed.
  • When Jennifer is lighting her tongue with the lighter, her hair is front of her ear in distant shots, then behind her ear in the close-up.
  • The first time Needy and Chip walk away from her locker, the shoulder straps of Chip’s backpack jump from one shoulder on, to two, to one, to two again.
  • Just after the fire in Needy’s kitchen, Jennifer appears in profile, with a ghastly, toothy smile. In the next full-face shot, her mouth is closed, and the ghastly smile appears slowly.
  • In the Melody Lane bar, Jennifer returns with a tray of the two «9-11» drinks. She says, «Tower 1 isn’t full enough.» The camera cuts away and when it cuts back «Tower 1» is more full (blue layer). The camera cuts away again, and when cutting back, «Tower 1» is back to it’s previous lower level.
  • When Jennifer is in the forest with Jonas, as she unzips her jacket, it can clearly be seen that she has no belly button, though it is shown in other scenes.
  • After Melody Lane catches on fire and Needy and Jennifer are outside kneeling in the parking lot it is obvious that there are no lenses in Needy’s classes as there is no reflection of the fire.
  • Before Jennifer is stabbed, the right strap of Needy’s dress is off her shoulder and damaged, while the left is intact and in place. When we see Needy’s reaction, the straps are off both her shoulders. When Jennifer removes the pole and walks past Needy, the strap is back in place.
  • When Chip is almost dead and out of the swimming pool, Needy yells to Jennifer. Her face is very dirty, but in the next shot her face is almost clean.
  • Jennifer is killed by a utility knife with a snap-off blade that isn’t thick, strong, or sharp enough to penetrate the rib cage. In real life it would cause some damage, but it would snap when it hit bone.


  • На роль музыканта Николая рассматривались такие рок-звезды, как Питер Вентц и Джоэл Мэдден. Роль в конечном счете получил Адам Броди.
  • Название фильма взято из песни «Jennifer`s Body» группы Hole, солисткой которой является Кортни Лав.
  • Диабло Коди написала сценарий «Тела Дженнифер» ещё в 2006 году, но продюсеры пригляделись к нему только после успеха «Джуно».
  • Колин приглашает Дженнифер в кинотеатр Бижу. Бижу — студенческий кинотеатр Университета Айовы, который окончила Диабло Коди.
  • Первый постер фильма, на котором Меган Фокс слизывает кровь с губ, был представлен на Комик-Коне (Сан-Диего) в июле 2008 года.
  • Фильм стали рекламировать за 15 месяцев до премьеры.
  • Первоначальная версия сценария просочилась в Интернет в начале 2008 года.
  • В предыдущем сценарном проекте Диабло Коди, фильме «Джуно» (2007 года), упоминается фитнесс-тренер Тони Литтл. В этом же фильме можно увидеть его рекламный ролик дважды: в начале и конце фильма.
  • На роль Дженнифер Чек рассматривалось около 7000 женщин, в конечном варианте она досталась Меган Фокс.
  • В комнате у Ниди висит постер фильма «Зловещие мертвецы».
  • Существует расширенная версия фильма, которая выходила на BluRay
  • В начале фильма на стене в комнате Дженнифер можно увидеть плакат американской рок-группы Fall Out Boy
  • Слоган фильма: «У неё есть вкус на плохих парней»
  • Саундтреком к фильму стала песня группы Panic! At the Disco «New perspective»


After Needy and Jennifer got out of the bar, Low Shoulder took a shocked Jennifer into their van. While Jennifer was in their van, she saw occult books and various satanic items that made her agitated. Once they drove into the woods, Jennifer unsuccessfully escaped. They forced her onto the ground and tied her up and performed a chant before brutally stabbed Jennifer until she was dead. Unbeknownst to the band, Jennifer was not a virgin. Rather than her dying, she was possessed by a succubus and it gave her superhuman strength, speed, seduction, beauty, and immortality. There was one catch, as she would forever feast on human (particularly young male) flesh to maintain her eternal youth or else she would decay and die. As Needy was about to exit the kitchen, she saw Jennifer drenched in blood, having been stabbed, and sensed something awful had happened to Jennifer. When she walked towards the fridge and tried to eat some food, Jennifer growled at Needy and then vomited a trail of «black ferromagnetic fluid» which seemed almost alive for a short time before leaving Needy’s home. Jennifer went on to kill 3 teenage boys ​(Jonas, Colin, and Ahmet).

As Needy was at the prom looking for Jennifer, Jennifer was seducing Needy’s boyfriend, Chip. She lied to him saying that Needy cheated on him with Colin. He almost believed her but because of his love for Needy, Chip decided not to be with Jennifer, though she attacked Chip at the abandoned pool and bit him in the neck. 


  • «Please don’t tell my mom. She’ll make me get a shot.»
  • «Where’s it at, Monistat?» 
  • «Ew, fuck you need a mani-pedi bad.»        
  • «I’m going to eat your soul and shit it out Lesnicki!»                                                          
  •  «I’m not insecure Needy, God that’s a joke, how could I ever be insecure?»
  • «I was the snowflake queen.»          
  •  «Wow, nice insult Hannah Montana, got any more harsh digs.»                                
  • «I need you frightened……I need you hopeless.»                                                              
  • «You’re jello, you’re lime green jello, and you can’t even admit to yourself. »                                                        
  •  «I’m feeling so scrumptious, you know how you kiss the boy for the first for time and your entire body feels like it’s on vibrate.»
  • «move on .org needy it’s over life too short to be moping around about some white trash pig roast.»
  • «Yeah well that’s how it is and plus you should be happy for me, I’m having the best day since like Jesus invented the calendar.»                                        
  • «Feel my heart, Jonas, I think it’s broken.»                                                                                                        
  • » Remember that night when I came to your house, I got really messed up.»
  • «The band was really agents of Satan with really awesome haircuts.»                                                                                             
  • «I couldn’t bring myself to hurt you, but I was just so hungry and ever since then I knew what I had to be strong like when I’m full right now I’m like unkillable.»                                                     


Главная героиня — Ниди (Аманда Сейфрид), жительница небольшого американского городка, серая мышка в школе и красотой не блещет. У неё есть лучшая подруга Дженнифер (Меган Фокс), которая является самой красивой и желанной девушкой в школе, участница команды группы поддержки. Ниди встречается с парнем по имени Чип (Джонни Симмонс). В один прекрасный день подруги собираются сходить на концерт одной рок-группы в местный бар. В этом баре случается пожар (собственно инициатором которого и была столичная инди-рок группа) и погибает 8 человек. Дженнифер и Ниди спасаются. В числе выживших оказались и парни из рок-группы, которые забрали с собой Дженнифер.

Вскоре после происшествия в баре Дженнифер приходит домой к Ниди и ведёт себя очень странно. Она накидывается на Ниди, у неё голод, её рвёт какой-то чёрной жидкостью, после она уходит.

Главная героиня — участница команды болельщиц — в один день становится одержима и начинает убивать юношей небольшого города, в котором живет. Лучшая подруга …Все видео

Дженнифер превращается в демона-людоеда, она завлекает парней-одноклассников в ловушки и пожирает их. Виной этому стало жертвоприношение девушки, которое совершили рокеры, игравшие в баре. Они приняли Джен за девственницу и закололи, но, так как она не была девственницей, в неё вселился бес. Для поддержания сил этому демону нужна человеческая плоть, почему-то именно мужская. Ниди узнаёт об этом и пытается остановить подругу, когда та завлекает в ловушку Чипа. Но у Ниди ничего не выходит, Чип умирает от укусов Дженнифер. Ниди решает отомстить подруге за смерть парня и приходит к Джен домой, чтобы убить её.

Ниди смертельно ранит подругу канцелярским ножом, но тут в комнату Дженнифер входит её мать. Ниди отправляют в психиатрическую больницу для преступников. Но та приобретает сверхъестественные способности после укуса Дженнифер.

Ниди сбегает из психиатрической больницы, автостопом доезжает до гостиницы, где остановилась та самая рок-группа и убивает всех её участников, таким образом отомстив за себя, своего парня и подругу.


  • Jennifer and Needy were originally going to have a sex scene in the film.
  • The «waterfall that goes nowhere» is the Devil’s Kettle, at Judge Magney State Park in Minnesota. The water disappears into a glacial pothole.
  • To prepare for her role as a possessed living-dead teenager, Megan Fox lost around 15 lbs, bringing her weight down to a near-frail 97 lbs, and stayed out of the sun.
  • Jennifer’s surname ‘Check’ was initially intended only to be a place holder name. It comes from writer Diablo Cody using the phrase ‘check’ to express the filling of the various required roles, e.g «Jennifer — check, Needy — check» and so on. The name was never changed and features in the final film.
  • There was no makeout scene between Needy and Jennifer in the original script.
  • The directors cut of the film was removed from Australian supermarkets due to the graphic sex scenes and the violence.
  • The name ‘Needy’ Lesnicky comes from writer Diablo Cody’s initial intention to have the character be of a ‘needy’ disposition. She later decided against this as she felt she had seen enough nerdy stereotypes in high school set movies.
  • In the Melody Lane sequence. At first, you just see her holding a drink but later, when Jennifer says she’ll score some alcohol by «playing Hello Titty with the bartender», the bartender who serves her turns out to be Cody.
  • Colin invites Jennifer to «Rocky Horror at the Bijou,» a reference to a student-run movie theater at the University of Iowa. Diablo Cody graduated from the University of Iowa.
  • The demon who possesses Jennifer Check (Megan Fox’s character) closely resembles a succubus (plural succubi), from Jewish, Christian, and Sumerian mythology/theology. It is said that succubi seduce men, and fornicate with them until they are «drained» (in the movie, getting «drained» could mean getting drained of blood instead of semen). Some possible examples of succubi are Lilitu (from Sumerian mythology), Lilin, and Lilith (both from Jewish theology).
  • Promotional material for the movie was released up to 15 months before the release date.
  • The band’s name in the film was originally «Soft Shoulder» before being changed to «Low Shoulder.»
  • A Fall Out Boy poster is shown above Jennifer’s bed before Needy enters the room to kill her.
  • A few actors from Diablo Cody’s Juno (2007) appear in Jennifer’s Body (2009). J.K. Simmons, Valerie Tian and Aman Johal. The film is also co-produced by Juno (2007) director Jason Reitman.
  • A draft of the script was leaked online in early 2008.
  • The first poster was unveiled in July 2008, at the San Diego Comic-Con. It showed Jennifer licking a drop of blood from her lips.
  • Grammy Award-winning Pop-Rock band Maroon 5 and their lead singer Adam Levine are referenced in the film once by Low Shoulder.

Full PlotEdit

Anita «Needy» Lesnicki (Amanda Seyfried), once an insecure teenager, is now a violent mental inmate who narrates the story as a flashback while in solitary confinement. She has been friends with a selfish and popular cheerleader, Jennifer Check (Megan Fox), since childhood, despite having little in common. One night, Jennifer takes Needy to a local dive bar to attend a concert by indie rock band Low Shoulder. A suspicious fire engulfs the bar, killing several, and Jennifer who is in shock, agrees to leave with the band despite Needy’s attempts to stop her. Later that evening, Jennifer, covered in blood, appears in Needy’s kitchen and proceeds to eat food from the refrigerator. Unable to digest the matter, she vomits a trail of black, spiny fluid and then leaves in a hurry as Needy calls after her.

The next morning at school, Jennifer appears fine and shrugs off Needy’s concerns. While the small town is devastated by the deaths caused by the fire, Jennifer seduces the school’s football captain in the woods and then attacks him; his disemboweled corpse is later found. Meanwhile, the members of Low Shoulder gain popularity due to their rumored heroism during the fire and offer to make a charity appearance at the school’s spring formal.

A month later, Jennifer is beginning to look pale, and accepts a date with school goth/emo Colin (Kyle Gallner), whom she brutally kills that night. While Needy and her boyfriend, Chip (Johnny Simmons) have sex, Needy senses something dreadful has happened. She leaves in a panic and almost runs over Jennifer, drenched in blood. She rushes home and finds Jennifer in her bedroom. Jennifer kisses her, initiating a brief makeout session, and soon explains what happened after the fire: Low Shoulder took her into the woods and offered her as a virgin sacrifice to Satan in exchange for fame and fortune. Although the sacrifice and greedy exchange were a success, Jennifer was in fact not a virgin, and when the lead singer Nikolai (Adam Brody) murdered her, the ritual backfired and a demonic spirit took over her body. Unbeknownst to Needy, Jennifer also encountered the Indian exchange student Ahmet after the fire and, upon hearing that no one knew he had survived, took him into the woods and ate him, rendering him her first victim. Jennifer states that she can withstand virtually any injury without pain and is rather difficult to kill.

The next day at school, as the town is stunned by Colin’s death, Needy goes to the school library’s occult section and surmises that Jennifer is a succubus; she is weakest when she is hungry, and must feed on flesh in order to sustain her life and appearance. Needy tells Chip about her discoveries and warns him not to attend the school dance. He does not believe her and she subsequently breaks up with him in order to protect him. Chip goes to the dance, hoping to meet with Needy, but is instead intercepted by Jennifer, who seduces him and takes him to an abandoned pool house. Needy arrives there and finds Jennifer feeding on Chip. Needy tries to drown Jennifer but Jennifer, hovering in the air, attacks her. She is then stabbed by Chip with a pool skimmer. Jennifer escapes while Needy watches her boyfriend die.

Needy decides she must kill Jennifer for the common good. She goes to Jennifer’s home and sees Jennifer picking out her next victims in her yearbook. Crashing through the window, Needy engages in a fight with Jennifer wielding a box cutter. Culminating with a stab to the heart, Needy finally destroys the demon and kills her. Jennifer’s mother enters and finds Needy with the box cutter on top of her daughter’s body. Soon after, Needy is brought to an asylum. Since she was bitten non-fatally by Jennifer, she has obtained some of Jennifer’s supernatural powers, such as the ability to hover in the air. Set upon revenge for what was done to Jennifer and her, she escapes the mental facility and hitchhikes a ride to the hotel where Low Shoulder are staying; there, she slaughters the members, whose killings are later discovered by local authorities.


Jennifer was a popular girl. She is also caring and kind towards her friends and deeply cares for them, especially Anita «Needy» her best friend.

According to Needy, Jennifer lost her virginity in 8th grade, which put her at 13 or 14 years old. The specifics are not known. Jennifer also mentions that she’s having an affair with a police cadet.

It’s possible that the lesbian infatuation Needy had for her was mutual. Jennifer, not wanting to harm Needy when suffering the Succubus hunger, passionately made out with her, and killed Chip (her competition).

Jennifer cared about her looks, as Needy pointed out that Jennifer took laxatives to ensure she didn’t gain weight.

Актерский состав

Роль Дженнифер, главной героини фильма, исполнила Меган Фокс, звезда франшизы «Трансформеры». Переговоры с актрисой по поводу ее участия в фильме начались еще в 2007 году, задолго до начала работы над проектом. Меган понравился сценарий, и она согласилась на участие в фильме.

Ее лучшую подругу Ниди, тихую и застенчивую девушку, сыграла одна из самых ярких голливудских актрис Аманда Сейфрид. Она была утверждена на роль Ниди в феврале 2008 года. Актриса была довольна своей ролью и говорила, что сыграть Дженнифер для нее было бы гораздо сложнее.

Джонни Симмонс был утвержден на роль Чипа, парня Ниди. Актер до этого сыграл в фильмах «Отель для собак» и «Эван всемогущий», однако «Тело Дженнифер» можно считать самым известным проектом с его участием.

Кайл Галлнер и Крис Прэтт также получили небольшие роли в фильме «Тело Дженнифер». Актеры сыграли Колина Грея, одноклассника Ниди, и полицейского офицера соответственно.

В марте 2008 года завершился кастинг фильма «Тело Дженнифер». Актеры были утверждены, сценарий доработан, и начался съемочный процесс.

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